Tuesday 26 June 2007

Knocked Up, Ed Hardy and Guns N' Roses all in a weeks work!

The past week has been nothing less than go-go-go!!!!!
On Tuesday night, I attended the red carpet premier of “Knocked Up”, as I was walking down the red carpet, trying to avoid frost bite and hypothermia from the maddening winds and icy rain, my dear friend Bianca Dye gave me a very kind warning about a particular scene in the film, and for that I am truly thankful, I have never really been the maternal type, however after seeing this film, I have firmly decided that childbirth does not rate highly on my agenda, EVER!

“Knocked Up” is a really honest story in comedy’s clothing… about life throwing us the unexpected and how love can be found and lost in the most unlikely of places. Keep an eye out for it, it’s worth a watch… when it opens in cinemas everywhere July 5th.

Wednesday night however was a definite highlight for me, when I got to attend the opening of the Sydney “Ed Hardy” store. For those of you not familiar with this iconic man, in a nutshell he is the Godfather of tattoo artistry and has now lent his world famous designs to everything from caps, T-shirts, belts, jeans, shoes and kids wear. It’s been a fav of mine for a few years now.
As if I wasn’t excited enough, cutter to the stars (I’m going to name drop here… Paris, Nicole, Justin and J-Lo) Adam Saaks, flew all the way from LA to show off his snipping skills. In case you have no idea what I am talking about, this man takes a piece of clothing and a pair of scissors and hacks in to clothes like Freddie Kruger on Friday the 13th… before you know it, he takes his slashed canvas and weaves it into what can only be called a true piece of art.
So taking full advantage of the opportunity, I was damn lucky and got my own piece of Adam Saaks art d’jour, customized ala Lil’ Mama style.

To round the week up, I got a phone call on Friday which stirred the old teen spirit, a dear friend of mine offered me the chance to relive my adolescence… in the form of a ticket to Guns N’ Roses… these boys as you may remember ruled the charts in the 90’s with tracks like Paradise City, Live and Let Die and my all time favourite cock rock ballad “November Rain”.
The band has since spilt and Axle bought the name, so really it was him with a bunch of musos and no Slash in sight…

So of course I leapt at the chance to get up close and personal with Mr Rose himself, personally I always thought John Bon Jovi was hotter, but that’s another story for another day…
I found my inner rock goddess and headed to the venue around 10ish as Axle wasn’t scheduled to grace us with his presence till 10.30… we got there to find fellow cock rocker Sebastian Bach who you may remember from a little band called “Skid Row”, rocking out on stage, still frizzy haired and leather clad.

Just after midnight Axle decided to grace a very tipsy crowd with his presence… looking like a fat old fart off the set of Magnum PI, there was no bandanna just ginger tinged corn rows, a goatee and a beer gut… opening with their classic “Welcome to the Jungle” I have seen better backdrops at Rock Eisteddfod concerts… but hey, it was midnight and he was here, well he was a second ago, after every half assed attempt at what once rated as “classic rock n’ roll” Axle would disappear stage right for up to 10 minutes at a time and had more costume changes than Cher… all in all it was a late night, but a fun one, and a good excuse to relive some old school memories.

Till this time next week have fun and be fabulous!

Luv Mamaxxx

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